Liebster Blog Award

What is Liebster Blog Award ?!

The Liebster Blog Award is given up to and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers.
Liebster is a German word which means 'favourite', so that makes 'favourite blog award'.

The rule is answer the 11 questions asked by the blogger who gave you this award.

In order to accept this prestigious award, one must abide the list of rules which are:
1) each person must list 11 things about themselves.
2) answer the 11 questions that the blogger has set for you.
3) and create 11 questions by your own  for the 11 people you will nominate on this award.
4) Choose up to 11 bloggers linking them to your post.
5) Go to their page and inform them that you nominated them.
Absolutely no tags back. Remember to only tag bloggers who has less than 200 followers.

11 questions asked by Bii :

1. Boy or girl?
2. Hope to become a boy or a girl?
3. Single or in a relationship?
4. What is the condition to become your another half?
Good and honest
5. Favourite activity?
Playing computer
6. Favourite books?
7. Favourite fruits?
8. What is your horoscope?
9. Love to make friends?
10. Can play any music instrument?
11. Long hair? Short hair? :

11 things about me :

1. My name is Bill .
2. I am 13 years old .
3. I like blue colour .
4. I am live in Bahau ( Negeri Sembilan ) .
5. I am 145 cm , 57 kg ( So Fat = = ) .
6. 10 hours playing computer .
7. Hope to become Wed Design .
8. I love to design .
9. I love to drawing .
10. My best friend is a boy .
11. I love chinese !

My question for the nominated bloggers :
1. You are boy or girl ?
2. How many years old ?
3. Single ?
4. Where are you living ?
5. You are fat ?
6. Your favourite colour is ?
7. Your favourite socai is  ?
8. Your Facebook name is ?
9. Your ambition is ?
10. Your favourite song is ?
11. Your best friend is ?

I pass this award to :
1. 巨蟹女 ~ 琳
2. 韓筱唲
3. May Chee
4. 真言
5. 樂婷
6. Mayumi  Liu
7. 艾琳
8. 康貝拉
9. Yue Hua Yue Hua
10. 傻寶妍
11. Ho Wan

